Solar PV audit checklist and guidance

Installers can use our audit checklist and guidance to advance their understanding of compliance standards.

Five per cent of all Solar Homes Program installations are audited every year as part of our commitment to safety and quality, and ensuring installations comply with the latest standards (see Audits).

Download the solar PV audit checklist

Independent auditors use this checklist when they conduct audit inspections of solar PV installations:

Download the Solar Homes PV audit checklist 3.3
Word 406.75 KB
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They look at the safety and quality of solar installations and determine where opportunities for improvement need to be followed up with the solar retailer.

Analysis of these audits led to Solar Victoria commissioning a series of technical guidance sheets and installation notes to help installers comply with all relevant industry standards and regulations when installing solar panel (PV) systems under our program.

Solar PV installation safety technical guidance sheets

These technical guidance sheets are part of a series we commissioned Grey Sky Solar Consulting to develop. Energy Safe Victoria has also reviewed this guidance.

To help installers maintain standards, they include installation advice and examples of compliant and non-compliant installations relating to documentation, the protection of wiring and wiring systems, and d.c. plug and socket connectors in reference to these standards:

  • AS/NZS 3000:2018 Electrical installations “Wiring Rules”.
  • AS/NZS 4777.1:2016 Grid connection of energy systems via inverters Part 1: Installation requirements.
  • AS/NZS 5033:2021 Installation and safety requirements for photovoltaic (PV) arrays.

3.1 System documentation

This guidance provides further information to support installers’ understanding of applicable requirements relating to system documentation:

Download Solar PV installation safety – Technical guidance sheet 3.1
PDF 254.41 KB
(opens in a new window)

3.2 Protection of wiring and wiring systems

This guidance provides further information to support installers’ understanding of applicable requirements relating to the protection of wiring and wiring systems:

Download Solar PV installation safety – Technical guidance sheet 3.2
PDF 415.27 KB
(opens in a new window)

3.3 D.C. plug and socket connectors

This guidance provides further information to support installers’ understanding of applicable requirements relating to d.c. plug and socket connectors:

Download Solar PV installation safety – Technical guidance sheet 3.3
PDF 370.57 KB
(opens in a new window)

Solar PV installation notes

Independent audits of solar panel (PV) installations under our program have identified six non-compliance categories relating to questions in version 3.3 of the audit checklist. These are listed below, with installation notes to help installers avoid common defects and achieve better compliance.

We recognise there are different installation practices and urge installers to always refer to all relevant Australian Standards, network requirements and manufacturer’s installations requirements.

Download all solar PV installation notes
Word 337.7 KB
(opens in a new window)

More information

For other sheets in our series and more information about guidance installers can use to help keep workers and customers safe and put industry leading standards into practice, see, see Solar industry guidance.


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