Powering ahead for a renewable future

The Victorian Government’s Solar Homes Program continues to lead the nation in delivering energy savings to Victorians by reducing the upfront cost of solar systems for Victorian homes.

Tuesday 3 May 2022 at 5:25 am

Solar Homes is powering ahead, with the State Budget providing more than $42 million in funding for Solar Victoria to continue to provide solar and battery rebates to eligible households to install solar PV or battery storage systems.   

In 2022-23, we are maintaining the current rebate and loan values of $1400 respectively for both owner occupied and rental households installing solar PV systems, with 64,000 rebates available.   

An additional 1,700 battery rebates will be made available, bringing the total number of battery rebates for 2022-23 to 5,200. The rebate value for battery systems will reduce slightly to $2,950 in line with an anticipated drop in battery prices.  

This funding will ensure that the Solar Homes Program continues to meet consumer demand for solar and battery rebates and support the planned and sustained growth of Victoria's solar industry.  

To date, the program has enabled the installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system, solar hot water system or solar battery on more than 193,000 households at home since the launch of the program in 2018.  

In addition to installations, the program is helping to reduce emissions, increase Victoria's renewable energy generation capacity, and support jobs as Victoria continues to transition to a renewable, clean energy future.  

To learn more about rebates for solar for homes, businesses and zero emissions vehicles visit: www.solar.vic.gov.au  

Quotes attributable to Stan Krpan, CEO Solar Victoria

“The Solar Homes program continues to deliver the future of energy to Victorian homes. We are powering ahead with Victoria's transition to renewables and will continue to support Victorians to transition to a renewable, clean energy future.”

“Renewable energy is key to powering Victoria now and into the future. By building a strong solar industry and providing training and job growth in the renewables sector Solar Victoria is working locally to put power back into the hands of Victorian households.”
