Victoria – A Renewable Energy Powerhouse

So many Victorians have joined the solar revolution the number of solar panels installed through Solar Homes would cover the Melbourne CBD three times – or if laid end-to-end would stretch from Melbourne to Jakarta.

Tuesday 26 October 2021 at 4:28 am

Minister for Solar Homes Lily D’Ambrosio announced the latest uptake figures on the Solar Homes Program today − with more than 3.16 million combined rooftop solar panels installed by customers across the state.

With summer just around the corner, Victorians are being urged to join the more than 180,000 households and small businesses who have applied for $334 million in rebates since the Solar Homes Program began in 2018.

Now is a great time for eligible Victorians to consider investing in solar and take advantage of the government’s $1,400 rooftop solar panel rebate, $3500 solar battery rebate or solar hot water rebate of up to $1,000.

Rebates of $1000 are also available to upgrade old heaters with energy-efficient reverse-cycle air conditioners, and a $3000 subsidy for making the switch to a zero emissions vehicle.

Victoria has become a national and international leader on climate action and renewable energy development, with it's unprecedented $1.6 billion Clean Energy Package.

Between June 2019 and December 2020 Victoria connected 1.6 gigawatts of large-scale renewables, more than any other Australian state, and in the first three months of this year reached nearly 30 per cent renewable electricity generation.

As of 30 June, there were 21 renewable energy projects under construction or undergoing commissioning in Victoria, with a combined capacity of 2,619 MW.

For more information on the rebates and subsidies visit
