Upskilling Electricians For Victoria’s Solar Boom

Victorian Government is upskilling more electricians and electrical engineers to take advantage of Victoria’s solar boom.

Monday 17 October 2022 at 10:00 pm
Upskilling Electricians For Victoria’s Solar Boom

Due to strong industry demand, Victorian Government has boosted their free solar training with a $900,000 investment. The funding will support an additional 432 electricians and electrical engineers transition their skills.

The Upskilling for Electricians and Electrical Engineers initiative was launched in March 2022 as part the Government’s $11 million Growing Our Clean Energy Workforce training and workforce development package.

Since the Government launched the training all the available 150 places were quickly taken up by electrical workers, with the total investment now at $1.3 million.

The extra funding will give the opportunity for more providers, in more locations, to offer the fully subsidised specialist training – upskilling electrical workers in solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery design and installation.

The training is open to all Victorian electrical workers, including existing electricians and electrical apprentices wanting to upskill in solar, and electrical engineers keen to undertake training in the design of solar PV and battery systems.

Enrolments are now open until 31 December 2022. Victorian Government funded training is currently offered by the Solar Training Centre, Holmesglen Institute, TAFE Gippsland, NECA Education and Careers and Energy Training Group.

The training soon will be available through additional registered training organisations in other areas of metropolitan Melbourne, where demand is particularly high. If eligible, completing this training can also lead to Clean Energy Council accreditation.

For further information, visit
