Section 6: Consumer protections when buying reverse-cycle air conditioners

If you have a problem with a new reverse-cycle air conditioner installed at your home, you have rights to protect you as a consumer. This includes the rights you have under Australian Consumer Law.

If you have a problem with a new reverse-cycle air conditioner installed at your home, you have rights to protect you as a consumer. This includes the rights you have under Australian Consumer Law.

Your consumer rights

Australian Consumer Law has rules for responsible marketing and selling, products being fit for purpose, and warranties being honoured.

Only Approved Suppliers are able to participate in the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program. In addition to stringent quality standards, to become an Approved Supplier, the Supplier must have in place a clear process for helping customers with issues and managing complaints - you can expect your Supplier to provide you with clear contact details to raise any issues or complaints.

When you buy a system find out who you should contact if there is a fault and be aware of the warranties available with your system.

If you have a problem with a product, service or unfulfilled contract try to resolve it directly with the Supplier first. Putting your complaint in writing gives you records of your dealings with it.

If you are unable to contact the Supplier, or you do not receive a satisfactory response within a reasonable time, you can contact Customer Service to explain your situation and we will determine if we can help with contacting the Supplier.

You can also refer to Consumer Affairs Victoria, who may be able to assist or support you to lodge a complaint. The Consumer Affairs Victoria Product and Services page has advice on the next steps, from dealing with a faulty product, problems with installation and dealing with insolvent businesses.

You may also choose to take your complaint further by applying to a court or tribunal, such as the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) or seek your own independent legal advice.

Consumer rights organisations

Below are some handy contacts regarding who to contact to protect your consumer rights.

Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV)

You can contact CAV to help resolve disputes between you, the customer, and traders. CAV enforces compliance with consumer laws.

T: 1300 55 81 81

Consumer Affairs Victoria also sets out when rental providers and tradespeople can access a rental property, as well as providing guidelines for how to notify the renter.

Energy & Water Ombudsman Victoria (EWOV)

You can contact EWOV to investigate any customer complaint about electricity, natural gas, bottled gas (LPG) and water companies.

T: 1800 500 509 (free call) or 131 450 (interpreter service)

Essential Services Commission (ESC)

You can contact ESC for issues relating to the price, quality and reliability of essential services such as electricity.

T: 1300 664 969 or (+61 3) 9032 1300

Consumer Action Law Centre

You can contact Consumer Action in Victorian to assist residents with their consumer, credit and debt issues.

National debt helpline: 1800 007 007

To speak to a lawyer: 1800 466 477

Koori Help: 1800 574 457

Ensuring safety in the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program

The Home Heating and Cooling Upgrades Program was delivered by Solar Victoria and will build on the successful safety measures put in place to protect consumers under the Solar Homes Program. Installations of air conditioners in Victoria were only permitted by licensed installers and must include compliance certificates. Regulators including Energy Safe Victoria, Victorian Building Authority and WorkSafe Victoria will ensure that Victoria’s high safety standards are maintained.
