Victorians cutting costs with Zero Emissions Vehicle Subsidy

Thousands of Victorians are saving up to $500 a month on fuel costs after taking advantage of the government’s nation leading Zero Emissions Vehicle subsidy.

Monday 4 April 2022 at 1:07 am

Subsidies of $3,000 for Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) under $68,740 are assisting Victorians to take control of their costs of living while helping Victoria halve emissions by 2030.

More than 4,000 Victorians have already taken advantage of the government’s $46 million ZEVs incentive program since May last year, with 2021 sales 310 per cent higher than the previous year.

Latest consumer survey data shows 99.2 per cent of customers are satisfied with their new car. Areas with the highest uptake of ZEVs include Melbourne’s western and eastern suburbs, with the Wyndham, Boroondara and Monash local government areas leading the charge.

The $46 million subsidy program is part of the government’s $100 million Zero Emissions Vehicles Roadmap, which also installing charging infrastructure across Victoria to ensure drivers will never be more than one hour from a charging station.

The government is leading by example by replacing 400 government fleet vehicles with ZEVs by 2023. In addition, from 2025 all new buses will be zero emissions and the metropolitan train network will be powered by 100 per cent renewable energy, similar to the Solar Trams initiative already in place.

The transport sector accounts for 25 per cent of Victoria’s total carbon emissions – electric vehicles will reduce emissions, while also reducing the amount of air and noise pollution, making our cities and towns more liveable.

To learn more, go to Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Subsidy.
