EV fit for the whole family

For Arun Ilancheran and Cherry Keragala the difficulties of travelling with a young family was something they took into consideration when buying their new ZEV.

“Being a family with three little kids, we needed the boot space. We needed to think about a big car, prams, school bags, etc,” Arun explained.

“We've been so impressed with what you can get in an EV. The kids are comfortable in there and, you know, we feel like we're doing a good thing,” Cherry added.

Since purchasing their vehicle, the family has been able to get around as much as before, while using solar system to charge their car at home for free.

“I do a lot of the energy management at home and how we use energy and electricity has changed” said Arun.

“We try to spend most of the day using the electricity generated from the panels to charge our cars, use our high energy appliances while the sun is shining so that we then use the battery storage after hours when the sun isn't there,” he continued.

When they need to charge off the grid the cost of fully charging their EV has pleasantly surprised the family with Arun estimating that the cost of fully charging their vehicle to be between $10 to $12.

In addition to having enough power to get around and the cost savings involved, another aspect of EVs the couple have benefited from are the safety features. “I've been blown away by them,” Cherry shared enthusiastically.

The vehicle's safety features have given Cherry “peace of mind” especially when it comes to the multiple distractions involved in a car with three children. “It's been one of the best decisions we've made as a family,” she added.

Their new vehicle has also saved time for the family. Arun mentioned that he no longer needs to travel to the petrol station at 7am on a Saturday morning to make sure the car has enough fuel to last the weekend.

“It's one of the biggest benefits that I've found because you can just come home, plug it in,” he added.

When asked what their favourite benefit of their new EV is, Cherry had this to say, “I feel that it's clean and it's green and we're doing our part to try help our climate.” Arun then added, “Number two is that it is safe and technologically really, really slick and it's really fast, and thirdly, it allows us to do everything that we would do anyway in a clean and green manner.”


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