Solar Victoria goes to the Clean Energy Councils' Wodonga Roadshow

Solar Victoria will be getting out and about this year to discuss industry insights and issues with installers, particularly in regional areas.

Thursday 28 March 2019 at 5:37 am

Solar Victoria will be getting out and about this year to discuss industry insights and issues with installers, particularly in regional areas.

Our Technical Lead Luke Pickles (right) and Stakeholder Lead Simon Roberts spoke at a Clean Energy Council (CEC) Installers' Night in Wodonga on 6 March, with more than 50 people in attendance.

Representatives from Solar Victoria, Energy Safe Victoria and the Clean Energy Regulator gave updates on the Solar Homes program, new standards, and trends in quality and safety.

We discussed our expectations of the industry on safety and consumer issues and took questions on processing claims, the CEC Retailer Code of Conductand the upcoming battery rebate.

Our thanks go to everyone who attended and the CEC for the opportunity to have this constructive interaction with installers operating in north-east Victoria.

We plan to attend similar events held by the CEC, WorkSafe and the Department of the Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) as well as our own roadshows and webinars to talk to installers about:

  •  the audit process
  •  safety
  •  consumer protection
  •  approved products lists

 phase two of Solar Homes program which will launch in July including:

               →   Rebates for batteries

               →   Solar rebates for rental properties

               →   Interest free loans  

We will continue to inform you about upcoming events. If you have questions or concerns about the Solar Homes program, please send your questions through to
