- Published:
- Wednesday 1 September 2021 at 9:42 am

Minister for Solar Homes Lily D’Ambrosio announced the ban, which applies to businesses participating in Solar Victoria programs, in May 2021 as part of the Government’s work to protect consumer rights and safety in the booming solar industry.
The ban will not affect consumer access to solar systems and has been demonstrated to work effectively throughout COVID-19 restrictions where door-knocking bans have been in place.
Solar Victoria engaged with peak bodies and retailers on a prohibition with industry strongly supporting the ban and given almost four-months' notice before it officially commenced.
The Government is encouraging all Victorians to stay informed about their consumer rights and to report dodgy behaviour or safety concerns.
The Government’s solar programs have been designed with safety in mind. Only accredited, approved retailers and products can be used in any installation, installers must undertake mandatory training and an independent inspector needs to sign off on system safety.
Victoria is setting nation-leading standards to protect consumers who purchase a solar system, having mandated the Clean Energy Council’s Approved Solar Retailer code of conduct alongside an audit program, taskforces and compliance and enforcement partnerships with key regulators including Consumer Affairs Victoria.
Dodgy sales behaviour can be reported to Consumer Affairs Victoria at consumer.vic.gov.au/contact-us and scamwatch.gov.au which is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.